Windshield Repair: When to Fix It Yourself and When to Call a Pro

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As car owners, ensuring the safety and integrity of our vehicles is paramount. One aspect often overlooked is the condition of windshields. Small chips, cracks, or scratches may seem minor, but they can compromise both your safety and the structural integrity of your vehicle. 

This comprehensive guide delves into damaged or cracked windshield repair vs. replacement, exploring when it’s appropriate to roll up your sleeves for a DIY fix and when it’s time to enlist the expertise of a professional.

Common Windshield Damages

Windshield damage can come in various forms, each requiring different levels of attention and repair techniques. Common types of windshield damage include:

  • Chips

These are small imperfections on the surface of the windshield, typically caused by rocks, gravel, or other debris propelled by vehicles ahead. While they may appear minor, chips can weaken the structural integrity of the glass and may worsen over time, especially if exposed to temperature fluctuations or additional impacts. 

  • Cracks

Unlike chips, cracks are longer and deeper fissures that extend across the windshield’s surface. They can result from various factors, including impacts from objects or temperature changes, such as sudden shifts in weather conditions. 

Cracks not only obstruct visibility but also weaken the structural integrity of the windshield, making it more susceptible to further damage and potential shattering. 

  • Scratches

Surface abrasions, though often considered less severe than chips or cracks, can still impair visibility, particularly if they are extensive or located within the driver’s line of sight. Scratches may result from various sources, such as abrasive materials or improper cleaning techniques.

While minor scratches may be purely cosmetic, significant scratches can refract light and create distracting glare, compromising safe driving conditions. Regular maintenance and prompt repair of scratches are essential to ensure optimal visibility and overall windshield performance.

Whether dealing with a crack or chip, prompt attention and appropriate repair techniques are essential for maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of your entire windshield. By addressing these issues proactively, car owners can ensure clear visibility and safe driving conditions for themselves and others on the road.

Factors Influencing Severity

The severity of windshield damage can vary based on multiple factors, each contributing to the overall condition of the glass and the potential risks it poses. Here’s a closer look at what influences the severity of windshield damage:

  • Size

Larger cracks or chips are more likely to compromise the structural strength of the glass, making it more susceptible to further damage. 

A small chip may be relatively harmless initially but can expand over time, especially if subjected to stress or changes in temperature. 

Therefore, even minor damages should not be overlooked, as they have the potential to worsen and pose greater risks if left untreated.

  • Location

Damage near the edges of the windshield or in the driver’s line of sight is particularly concerning and may require immediate attention. 

Cracks or chips in these areas can compromise the overall stability of the glass and impair visibility, increasing the likelihood of accidents or further damage. 

Additionally, damage near the edges of the windshield may spread more rapidly due to the structural stress placed on these areas, necessitating prompt repair or replacement to prevent escalation.

  • Depth

The depth of cracks or scratches can also influence the severity of windshield damage. Deeper cracks or scratches penetrate further into the layers of the glass, weakening its overall structure and integrity. 

As a result, deeper damages are more likely to propagate and spread, increasing the risk of complete failure or shattering. 

Moreover, deep cracks or scratches may compromise the effectiveness of repair attempts, requiring more extensive measures such as windshield replacement to ensure safety and functionality.

Remember, even seemingly minor damages can have significant consequences if neglected, so it’s crucial to prioritize timely intervention and proactive maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the windshield.

Step-by-step Guide For Repairing Damages

When it comes to repairing damages on your windshield, the process can vary depending on the type and severity of the damage. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the repair process effectively:

1. Chips

Repairing chips in your windshield requires careful attention and the right tools. Follow these steps for a successful chip repair:

  • Assess the Damage: Examine the chip to determine its size and depth. Small chips smaller than a quarter can typically be repaired using a DIY repair kit.

  • Clean the Area: Thoroughly clean the damaged area using a mild detergent and water to remove any dirt or debris. Allow the area to dry completely before proceeding.

  • Apply the Repair Resin: Position the repair bridge or applicator over the chip and fill it with the repair resin provided in the kit. Ensure that the resin completely fills the chip and covers the entire damaged area.

  • Cure the Resin: Use a curing lamp or expose the repair to direct sunlight to cure the resin. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding curing time and temperature.

  • Remove Excess Resin: Once the resin has cured, remove any excess resin from the surface of the windshield using a razor blade or similar tool. Scrape gently to avoid causing further damage to the glass.

  • Polish the Area: Finally, polish the repaired area using a glass polish to restore clarity and smoothness to the surface of the windshield.

2. Cracks

Repairing cracks in your windshield can be more challenging than repairing chips, but it’s still possible with the right tools and techniques. Here’s how to repair cracks effectively:

  • Evaluate the Crack: Assess the length and depth of the crack to determine if it’s suitable for repair. Cracks longer than a dollar bill or extending to the edge of the windshield may require professional intervention from a glass repair shop.

  • Clean the Crack: Clean the crack thoroughly using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Ensure that the crack is free of any dirt, debris, or moisture that could interfere with the repair process.

  • Apply the Repair Resin: Use a specialized crack repair kit to inject resin into the crack. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper application technique and amount of resin to use.

  • Cure the Resin: Use a curing lamp or expose the repair to direct sunlight to cure the resin. Again, follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding curing time and temperature.

  • Remove Excess Resin: After the resin has cured, carefully remove any excess resin from the surface of the windshield using a razor blade or similar tool.

  • Polish the Area: Polish the repaired area using a glass polish to restore clarity and smoothness to the surface of the windshield.

3. Scratches

While scratches on the windshield may not pose as significant a risk as chips or cracks, they can still impair visibility and compromise the overall appearance of your vehicle. Here’s how to repair scratches effectively:

  • Assess the Scratch: Determine the depth and severity of the scratch. Superficial scratches may be repairable with DIY solutions, while deeper scratches may require professional assistance.

  • Clean the Area: Clean the scratched area using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Ensure that the area is free of any dirt, debris, or residue that could interfere with the repair process.

  • Apply a Scratch Repair Solution: Use a specialized scratch repair solution or polish to fill in the scratch and minimize its appearance. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper application technique and amount of product to use.

  • Buff the Area: Use a soft cloth or buffing pad to gently buff the repaired area and blend it with the surrounding glass. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this could cause further damage to the windshield.

  • Inspect and Repeat if Necessary: Inspect the repaired area to ensure that the scratch has been adequately filled and blended with the surrounding glass. If necessary, repeat the repair process until you achieve the desired results.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively repair damages to your windshield and restore its clarity and integrity. However, it’s essential to remember that not all damages can be repaired DIY. If you’re unsure or if the damage is extensive, it’s best to seek professional assistance to ensure optimal results and maintain the safety of your vehicle.

Signs You Need Professional Help

Knowing when to seek professional assistance for windshield repair or replacement is crucial for ensuring the safety and integrity of your vehicle. While DIY repairs can be effective for minor damages, certain situations warrant the expertise of a professional. Here are some signs that indicate you may need professional help:

1. Extensive Damage

  • Cracks longer than a few inches or multiple chips scattered across the windshield may require professional attention.

  • Extensive damage can weaken the structural integrity of the windshield, compromising its ability to withstand impact and increasing the risk of further damage or shattering.

  • Professional auto glass replacement services have the necessary expertise and equipment to assess the extent of the damaged windshield accurately and recommend the most appropriate course of action.

2. Complex Cracks

  • Cracks that penetrate both layers of the windshield or exhibit spiderweb patterns may be too complex for DIY repair methods to effectively address.

  • These types of windshield cracks often require specialized techniques and materials to ensure a durable and long-lasting repair.

  • Professional technicians have the training and experience to handle complex cracks effectively, minimizing the risk of further damage and restoring the structural integrity of the windshield.

3. Failed DIY Attempts

  • If your DIY repair attempts have been unsuccessful or if the damage worsens despite your efforts, it’s time to call a professional.

  • Attempting to repair extensive or complex damages without the necessary expertise can result in further complications and compromise the safety of your car windshield.

  • Professional glass technicians can evaluate the situation, identify any underlying issues, and provide expert solutions to address the chipped windshield effectively.

Whether dealing with extensive damage, complex cracks, or failed DIY attempts, don’t hesitate to seek the expertise of a professional repair or replacement service. Experience the difference with Auto Glass & Tint of Oceanside—your premier destination for top-quality windshield repair, replacement, and tinting services. 


Maintaining a clear and intact windshield is essential for your safety on the road. While DIY repairs can be tempting for minor damages, it’s crucial to know when to call a professional.

 By understanding the signs that indicate the need for professional assistance and weighing the cost-effectiveness of cracked windshield repair vs. replacement, car owners can make informed decisions to ensure the safety and longevity of their vehicles.

Don’t compromise on safety. Prioritize windshield repair and maintenance today.


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